Indian Camp Ranch Homeowners Association


Below are links to informative articles on homeowners associations and their governance. Please click the link to view the document.


Click here for information about the Indian Camp Ranch Homeowners Association and Colorado Senate Bill SB 05-100. Included are links to view the bill and other pertinent information.

Click here for information on and compliance with SB06-89.

Recent bills passed by the Colorado State Legislature and signed into law by the governor:

  • The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) as of July 2020
  • HB 13-1276 - Concerning limitations on the actions a unit owner's assocation under the "Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act" may take against a unit owner with resepct to the collection of debt owed to the unit owner's assocation.
  • HB 13-1012 - Concerning the extension of financial incenives for wilfire mitigation.
  • HB 11-1146 - Concerning a requirement that a residence be integral to an agricultural operation in determining whether two acres or less associated with the residence satisfies the definition of agricultural land for property tax purposes.
  • HB 10-1278 - Requires community associations (HOAs) to register with the Division of Real Estate on a yearly basis and pay a fee, beginning on January 1, 2011. The bill creates, within the Division of Real Estate, the HOA Information and Resource Center, the head of which shall be the HOA Information Officer.
  • HB 09-1359 - Requires that a ninth policy on Reserve Studies and Reserve Funding be added to the list of policies associations are required to have. Also requires board members to share information with each other. The information required to be shared is "related to the responsibilities and operation of the association obtained by any other member of the board." The bill also requires committee chairs, appointed after August 15, 2009, to meet the same qualifications as are applicable to board members.
  • HB 09-1091 - On or after July 1, 2009 carbon monoxide alarms are required in homes for sale, homes for rent and certain remodels of single-family and multi-family residences. The CO alarms must be installed within fifteen feet of the entrance to each room legally used for sleeping purposes or in a location specified by any applicable building code.
  • HB08-1135 - Concerning Common Interest Communities, and, in connection therewith, invalidating covenants that prohibit building modifications to accommodate persons with disabilities, requiring due process in penalty assessment procedures, and providing for alternative dispute resolution.
  • HB08-1270 - Concerning the removal of restrictions on the use of energy efficiency measures in connection with real property.
  • SB 06-89 - Clarifies provisions of S.B. 05-100 regarding regulation of political signs in common interest community associations (associations).
  • SB 05-100 - Concerning Increased Protection for Howeowners